What Makes a Great Camera Lens?

This is a loaded question depending on who you speak with.  Some are tied to brands and some to focal lengths.  The purpose of this discussion is to figure out what weaknesses a typical lens has and which of those weaknesses may be most important to have fixed.  Finding a… 

DPI and PPI: Which is What?

I come across questions and forums where people use DPI and PPI interchangably. Unfortunately, I am also guilty. I have found what I thought was a great explanation of the difference. I have copied the article here and provided a link to the original. DPI and PPI Explained There seems… 

Gray or Grey?

My spelling has never been great, but then the English language doesn’t always have consistent rules either. As I continue to write about black and white photography, I have to reference the color gray (grey?). The questions is: how should I spell it? The researcher in me took over and… 
