NeoClassical Theme For WordPress

My favored theme for WordPress is the NeoClassical Theme developed by Chris Person. Not only do I like his use of white space and fonts, but my personal favorite is the header. Here’s why. Chris incorporated an easy to use random image header. The server load is low because the… 

Forcing Users to Login to a WordPress Site

WordPress is an increasingly more popular blog platform. Because it is so customizable and so robust, some want to sue it for an intranet or a more private workspace. I have one such site and I was looking for a way to force people to login before viewing the site…. 

WordPress – Viewing a Single Post Gives a 404 Error

If accessing a single post gives a 404 error, then the error is most likely in the permalink structure. See the following instructions to fix the error. In WordPress 2.5, sign in as an administrator and go to the Settings section and then Permalinks. Check the permalink structure in the… 

Working on WordPress

I have been working the past week on a WordPress installation to house my photography. I have it working well now and have updated to version 2.5 which was just released this weekend. I have several tips and suggestions to help with various steps in the upgrade and help getting… 

The Turning Gate Galleries

The Turning Gate has created some fantastic galleries that easily install into Lightroom and make creating web site work much easier. Today we will look at the Auto Index template which automatically loads albums as they are published. This previously manual work has now been automated. First, download the template… 
