I still like to shoot film when I know I will be able to find the time to develop it, scan it, archive it and then enjoy it. I was with our Boy Scout troop in Charleston during October and finally found the time to develop and scan. All of my shots were with the Leica MP and the Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.5 (the new brass version). Several people have left comments wanting to see more results from the Nokton, so while these are from film, they still show the outstanding contrast and bokeh. These shots were all at f/4.0.
This gentleman may not really have been jealous, although he should have been. I was carrying one lens and camera that was much smaller than his and didn’t really make any noise when I pressed the shutter. This was our scout group, but his look standing there holding the camera made this one priceless for me.
I have a whole series of this corner, mostly of our scouts walking in the other direction. The sign above says it all, especially with this expression.
These two (the back one is my son) did a great job with us as we hiked over 10 miles around Charleston reading about the history of the city and the buildings.
A scout troop wouldn’t be scouts without tents. There is a great scout camp not far from Charleston and they were fantastic – we all want to go back.
In terms of the quality, these images were shot with Kodak Plus X 125 (several years out of date) and Ilford FP4 (well within date). Everything was exposed at ISO 125 and developed with Ilford DD-X developer (and Ilford Fixer). The negatives were scanned into Lightroom through Vue Scan saving the resulting images as DNG files. The scanner is my old coveted Nikon 5000 ED with the SA-30 reel at the back. This allows me to scan without cutting the negatives first.
I like the quality of this Voigtlander lens with digital images and have some great shots from both my Fuji X-Pro1 and my Leica M9-P. Here the results seem to give me some of the same pop I’m used to with the Leica M lenses. I really like the focus of the brass version of this lens as it is extremely smooth, but tight and not loose. The f/stop ring is at the front of the lens and is also solid, never slipping out of place while shooting and walking around.
I use the B+W pro filters on this lens, although here you must not use the slimline version if you plan on using the sun hood. On this lens, Voigtlander has you screw the sun hood into the front of the lens and the B+W slim filters do not have threads on the outside. Because this lens is brass, I use the silver B+W filter.
I love this lens and while I really haven’t strayed far from Leica glass, this lens is great and I enjoy shooting with it.
Chris Cox
Love Leica…