Online Backups

Backing up image files in Adobe Lightroom continues to be a hot topic. It is the most laborious and tedious part of my Lightroom workflow, but also the most necessary. Anyone that has lost an image because of poor backups, and I am one of those, will agree. I found… 

Photo Shoot – LRG Complete 2.5.6

I will be on a photo shoot for a week or so and will not be keeping posts up to date for that time. As soon as I get through, I’ll let you know how it went and how I used lightroom to help. In the meantime, keep watching Lightroom… 

LRG Complete 2.5.6

Another maintenance release that adds more functionality, Lightroom Galleries is continuing to provide features asked for in the forum. Get involved. Download a copy today and post some feedback. This new version has expanded international language support and adds more settings for the placement of images on a page. LRG… 

Version RC2.5.5 of LRG Complete Released

Joe of Lightroom Galleries has released another candidate for LRG Complete, the PayPal, Google Checkout Web Gallery for Adobe Lightroom. This release has some support for international characters as well as superb tie in to the shipping functions within PayPal and Google Checkout. Not to leave anyone out, Joe has… 

New Lightroom Exchange on Adobe!

Sean McCormack posted an article on Lightroom News about a new Adobe exchange area for Lightroom. We have long awaited such a site where developers can post Develop Presets, Export Plugins and Web Galleries to share with the Lightroom Community. This is a must visit site and be sure to… 

Lightroom Galleries LRG Complete User’s Guide for RC2.5.4

The user’s guide for Lightroom Galleries LRG Complete RC2.5.4 is now released. You can download it from the side bar here. Please note that we are releasing the User’s Guide at least as often as new release candidates come out. The frequency is high to keep up with the enormous… 

New LRG Complete User’s Guide – Smaller Download Size

I have update the User’s Guide to LRG Complete by Lightroom Galleries and reduced the filesize by 40% to make download times less. You can download the Updated User’s Guide Here from my ftp site. Keep watching Lightroom Galleries as the Release Candidates are still coming with great improvements. The… 

LRG Complete RC2.5 User’s Guide

The user’s guide for Lightroom Galleries newest E-Commerce web templates is available for download. Download the template package from the site as well. See the Lightroom Galleries web site for more information on this spectacular and professionally featured Lightoom template. The full article for the user’s guide can be viewed… 

Lightroom Galleries Continues with RC2.5

Joe has been hard at work and burning the midnight oil to provide yet another great release of LRG Complete. As of this morning the template was updated for a few bugs so see the LRG Complete RC2.5 Download on his site. The functionality is superb and the look and… 

Lightroom Galleries Releases LRG Complete RC2 with Google Checkout

Lightroom Galleries has been busy working on the LRG Complete Web Templates for Adobe Lightroom. Release Candidate 2 is now out with some new features including Google Checkout in addition to PayPal and many site usability improvements. The template can be downloaded at LRG Complete RC2 Released, and the forum… 
