Leica X2 High ISO Results

All the new Leica M(240) hype, which is well deserved IMHO, and the new great higher ISO yield compared to the Leica M9, led me to test the CMOS in the Leica X2.  This isn’t a scientific test, but more of a show and tell.  I showed a much earlier… 

Leica X1 High ISO

First, you should know that this article is not meant to be a test or a full comparison.  I’m working on some more scientific results related to the X1 and the new Leica X2 (when it arrives!).  However, I shot a few sequences at an ISO of 1600 as was… 

First Impressions: Leica M8 and Adobe Lightroom

I have been a film photographer for over 20 years, shooting with Leicas the last two years. Because really good lenses (the foundation of a great image) are so expensive, then the natural progression for me from film into digital was with a Leica M8. I still love film and… 

About My Equipment

I use only the best equipment and methods for my photography.  A photograph starts with the lens and ends with the paper it’s printed on.  I use the Leica M System consisting of a Leica M-4 and a Leica M-6 TTL.  These camera bodies are German made and solid mechanical construction… 
