EYE 4: Dividing the Frame

This article is part of my series on the study of ‘The Photographer’s Eye’ by Micheal Freeman. Note that we skipped EYE 3 and will return to it at a later date. With this essay we begin discussing the division of the Frame. The subject of the image divides the… 

Nikon Coolscan – ICE or No ICE?

I wrote an article about Post Processing Errors with a Nikon Coolscan 5000. This update gives us a the results of two different options that can be used to scan color negatives or slide film with the Coolscan. One option is clearly superior to the other. NOTE: The images are… 

LRG Complete Advanced User’s Guide Almost Ready

I have been working on an Advanced User’s Guide for LRG Complete. In this User’s Guide I discuss in much more detail the Paypal and Google Checkout options including how to set up taxes and shipping at both online merchant services. I’ve included extensive detail on Google Analytics as well… 

Post Processing Error with Nikon Coolscan 5000

Ok, so I have been using a Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 for well over a year with no problems. Most of my scans are black and white film, saved as TIFF’s using the greyscale scanning. I have also used the slide feeder and the long film strip scanner with no… 

Lightroom Plugins Discussion

The Lightroom Journal posted an article on Adobe’s current feelings about Plugins and External Editors. During the beta testing of Adobe’s Lightroom 2.0, there were many posts about the ability for Lightroom to perform certain tasks. This was especially true regarding functions available in Adobe Bridge, Adobe Photoshop and other… 

Mt Rainier Crossing the Nisqually Glacier

There is a new album on my website as I begin to publish some of my time in the Northwest this summer. The first gallery is of Mt Rainier and Crossing the Nisqually Glacier. We started early in the morning, even for Seattleites and arrived at the Paradise Visitor’s Center… 

Multiple Computers and Adobe Lightroom 2.0

I have seen several questions about how many computers Adobe Lightroom can be installed on for use with a single license. Below is a copy of the LR 2.0 License agreement and it appears that home users can use two copies – one desktop and one laptop. You can see… 

EYE 2: Placement of the Subject

This article is part of my series on the study of ‘The Photographer’s Eye’ by Micheal Freeman. Our second essay will begin discussing the placement of the subject within the Frame. We will begin with a rather broad overview and then several essays on subjects with fairly plain backgrounds and… 

The Photographer’s Eye Essays and Study

The Photographer’s Eye by Michael Freeman is a superb text on learning to visualize an image with a camera and create art. In my introductory post I gave you an overview of the book and told you I would be creating a group of essays on the text, each with… 
