Images on This Blog

In case you don’t already know, the images on this blog are stored at higher resolutions. You can click on any picture and see it larger. For example, see the image below. It is of a dialog box and may be difficult to read on your screen. However, if you… 

Backing Up RAW Files

Backing up RAW files using the export and burn to cd functions in Lightroom should have a slight modification from backing up TIFFs or JPEGs. The RAW format from digital cameras is different between many of the manufacturers. Adobe created an open source standard called a Digital Negative format or… 

Export to CD or DVD for Backup

This is part of my Image Conversion Workflow. Backup is a dreaded word because it doesn’t seem to do anything except take time. However, backup is a most important word because without, your image is like carrying tissue paper beneath an umbrella in the rain – it will most likely… 

Exporting Greyscale Files – Too Large?

Exporting greyscale images from Adobe Lightroom can at first seem to make the file larger. For example, I use TIFF images that come from scanning my black and white negatives. If I do a simple export from Lightroom and burn them to CD or DVD, my imaages are larger. How… 

Image Rating and Selection Workflow

Image rating and selection involves determining which pictures are best discarded and which have potential for future showing. This workflow also involves creating and maintaing portfolios. This is part of my Digital Image Workflow. Rating and selection is in a constant state of flux. Some images will deserve rating changes… 

Lightroom Presets

Lightroom makes especially functional use of presets and templates (for web galleries). Photoshop allows a user to add preset tools in a list, but the presets are of all types and to find one a user has to scroll throughout the list looking for the correct tool. Lightroom has various… 

Lightroom Shortcuts – A Must

Lightroom has an extensive set of shortcuts that aren’t too difficult to learn. Adobe added an extra feature that makes using shortcuts a must. In any of the modules – Library, Develop, Slideshow, Print or Web, press the Help, Module Name Shortcuts, menu item and get a quick popup window… 

Developing Pictures in Lightroom – Cropping

The second step I like to perform after making a virtual copy is a crop. If I know I will only print this picture in a certain format size, I will crop to that size. Most of the time I crop to a 1:1 aspect. This means that I trim… 

Developing Pictures in Lightroom – Virutal Copies

The first step I like to perform is based on a feature not found in photoshop – make a virtual copy. A virtual copy provides a good starting point to correct and modify an image and still have a copy of the original to view. To make a virtual copy,… 

Lightroom Tip #2 – Solving Problems After Editing in Photoshop

When editing a picture in an outside editor, the view in Lightroom is updated automatically after finishing the external edit. This is true even if you think the image hasn’t changed. I use Photoshop for spot removal on negative and slide scans. I also use Photoshop for some specialized sharpening…. 
