Lightroom 2.3 Update

Adobe has released update version 2.3 for Lightroom. You can download the versions using the links on the sidebar. It appears the majority of the fixes for this update are related to memory leaks and other items within Windows. Of real importance is the fix for the artifacts that appeared… 

Lightroom 2.2 Released!

Adobe Lightroom 2.2 has been released! You can reach the Download Page Here. The ReadMe File tells us that some fixes have been introduced in the SlideShow module and several bug fixes for the brush and mask development settings. I am downloading the updates and will let you know if… 

Lightroom 2.1 Is Ready!

I have been using the beta version of Lightroom 2.1 for the last month or so with great success. Well, now Lightroom 2.1 is ready for release! You can get the downloads for Windows here and for Macintosh here. The readme file can be Downloaded here. A few things to… 

Lightroom 2.0 Keyword Upgrade Issue

It just goes to show how busy we sometimes become that we can miss important news about our favorite software – Adobe Lightroom 2.0. I spent such a large amount of time working on the Beta Test that when 2.0 came out I purchased, installed and went on. Well, there’s… 

Lightroom 1.4.1 Update

Ok, I’ve been out of town and look what happened while I was gone – Adobe released Lightroom 1.4.1 updates for windows and for macintosh are now available. They provide additional camera support and fix the EXIF issuesbrought about by the last update. You can find the ReadMe file here…. 

Identity Plate Known Bug in Lightroom 1.4

Adobe indicated that there is a known bug in Lightroom version 1.4 that affects the Identity Plate overlays in the printing module. We reproduce that bug below to show you how to fix it. In the print module the Overlays section looks like the image to the left. Notice you… 

New Noise Reduction Feature in Lightroom 1.4 Update

Adobe didn’t make many large enhancements to their just released Update to version 1.4 outside of continuing to enhance the compatibility of RAW cameras and updates in Adobe RAW (now version 4.4). However, they did make one very welcomed change to those of us that like black and white photography… 

Installing Lightroom 1.4 Update

The Adobe Lightroom Update to version 1.4 is here and available for download. The windows version is about 48 megabytes, which is the same as the full install. Perform these steps to upgrade your version of Lightroom. Download the Windows Update or the Mac Update and save it to your… 

Lightroom 1.4 Update Released (Recalled)

Update Recalled Adobe has removed this update because of several bugs discovered after the release. Adobe suggests removing Lightroom version 1.4 and reinstalling version 1.3.1 until such time as the fixes are published. Adobe’s Lightroom Journal has all the details for the problems with this update as well as instructions… 
