Post Processing Error with Nikon Coolscan 5000

Ok, so I have been using a Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 for well over a year with no problems. Most of my scans are black and white film, saved as TIFF’s using the greyscale scanning. I have also used the slide feeder and the long film strip scanner with no… 

Lightroom Plugins Discussion

The Lightroom Journal posted an article on Adobe’s current feelings about Plugins and External Editors. During the beta testing of Adobe’s Lightroom 2.0, there were many posts about the ability for Lightroom to perform certain tasks. This was especially true regarding functions available in Adobe Bridge, Adobe Photoshop and other… 

Multiple Computers and Adobe Lightroom 2.0

I have seen several questions about how many computers Adobe Lightroom can be installed on for use with a single license. Below is a copy of the LR 2.0 License agreement and it appears that home users can use two copies – one desktop and one laptop. You can see… 

LRG Complete to Get Digital Download!

Joe at Lightroom Galleries has been hard at work the past six months putting together a unique Adobe Lightroom Web Gallery that enables users to create galleries online and sell their images with Paypal, Google Checkout and plain ole’ emails. Joe has now announced that he has figured out a… 

Backup, Import, Backup

There are so many details to think about when deciding how to store images, how to label image files, how to backup images and which images should be imported into a library program. This article discusses an overview for the method of getting images from a camera (or scanner) into… 

Photo Shoot – LRG Complete 2.5.6

I will be on a photo shoot for a week or so and will not be keeping posts up to date for that time. As soon as I get through, I’ll let you know how it went and how I used lightroom to help. In the meantime, keep watching Lightroom… 

Update: Custom Sorting in Lightroom 2.0 Beta

There is a work-around to the lack of custom sorting found in the Adobe Lightroom 2.0 Beta version. See the updated article Lightroom Tip#16 – Ordering Images in Lightroom where we give you this work-around.

LRG Complete 2.5.6

Another maintenance release that adds more functionality, Lightroom Galleries is continuing to provide features asked for in the forum. Get involved. Download a copy today and post some feedback. This new version has expanded international language support and adds more settings for the placement of images on a page. LRG… 

Version RC2.5.5 of LRG Complete Released

Joe of Lightroom Galleries has released another candidate for LRG Complete, the PayPal, Google Checkout Web Gallery for Adobe Lightroom. This release has some support for international characters as well as superb tie in to the shipping functions within PayPal and Google Checkout. Not to leave anyone out, Joe has… 

New Lightroom Exchange on Adobe!

Sean McCormack posted an article on Lightroom News about a new Adobe exchange area for Lightroom. We have long awaited such a site where developers can post Develop Presets, Export Plugins and Web Galleries to share with the Lightroom Community. This is a must visit site and be sure to… 
