Lightroom 2.0 Keyword Upgrade Issue

It just goes to show how busy we sometimes become that we can miss important news about our favorite software – Adobe Lightroom 2.0. I spent such a large amount of time working on the Beta Test that when 2.0 came out I purchased, installed and went on. Well, there’s… 

LRGC User’s Guide – Minor Updates

The Lightroom Galleries Complete User’s Guide has some minor updates as a result of emails from you! Take a look at the links to the right or the link above and you can download another copy. Notice that the revision numbers correspond to the LRG Complete Web Gallery version number… 

Lightroom Galleries Announces Changeable Fonts

If you haven’t been keeping up with Joe at Lightroom Galleries, you need to take a look. Joe has created a phenomenal Adobe Lightroom Web Gallery that has revolutionized the ability for someone to create a photography presence on the internet – and offer their images for sale using PayPal… 

Lightroom Tip#19: Precise Control Over Vignettes

Vignettes are not new to Lightroom as a lens correction. However, as a post-crop item meant to actually add a Vignette, the feature is new in Lightroom 2. While it takes some getting used to, the Vignette can produce some outstanding results. There have been several posts and a variety… 

LRGC 3.0 – Sample Chapter – CoolIris (PicLens)

In an effort to show everyone the amount of work and attention to detail that I am putting into the Advanced User’s Guide for LRG Complete 3.0, released by Lightroom Galleries, I have uploaded a sample section of the chapter entitled Advanced Shell Features. This section details how to use… 

LRGC 3.0 Advanced User’s Guide Update

I am working hard on the Advanced User’s Guide. Right now with work so busy and school starting for the kids, I had to slow just a little bit. However, here are some of the topics that will be covered. There is a full section on some more advanced features… 

LRG Complete Version 3.0 Finished!

Lightroom Galleries has published the completion of LRG Complete 3.0, the first public release! Now the User’s Guide is also finished! You can download the User’s Guide using the links to the right, or by following this link: LRG Complete User’s Guide. Go visit Lightroom Galleries and download the template… 

LRB Portfolio – An Easy Lightroom Web Site!

Sean McCormack over at Lightroom Blog has created a new Adobe Lightroom Web Gallery that produces an entire web site with up to 6 galleries for show. First, I’ll tell you there are several things I really like about this new web gallery. The appearance of this web gallery is… 

Lightroom Galleries

You have been seeing articles about the LRG Complete Web Gallery for Adobe Lightroom. Hopefully you have been able to keep up with the development going on. Joe over at Lightroom Galleries has been hard at work putting this new package together. The really neat part about LRG Complete is… 

LRG Complete Advanced User’s Guide Almost Ready

I have been working on an Advanced User’s Guide for LRG Complete. In this User’s Guide I discuss in much more detail the Paypal and Google Checkout options including how to set up taxes and shipping at both online merchant services. I’ve included extensive detail on Google Analytics as well… 
