Leica X2 or Fuji X100s – Which to Take with Me?

The Fuji X100s has such great usability and the sensor detail is superb with the 35mm (equivalent) f/2.0 lens.  The Leica X2 has the same focal length, but starts at f/2.8, has a much slower focus, far fewer settings and uses a dial for the f/stop rather than a ring… 

Using Light to Your Advantage

Light.  Light is the essence of photography.  Concentrated light can enhance and change the mood of many photographs.  The absence of light can have the same mood altering effect.  The creative fun in photography is learning which and when to use what kind of light!  I pass an old Coca-cola… 

Leica M9-P Out of the Camera JPEG’s

With all the hype (myself included) about the Fuji X series OOC jpeg quality, and the super results from the new Leica M(240), I took another look at my M9-P and what the JPEG output could do.  After all, Leica spends significant time on their JPEG output routines.  RAW is… 

Twin Nieces

Vacation with the Fuji X-Pro1 and Voigltander / Leica Lenses

I spent a week at the Outer Banks of North Carolina with extended family. I shot over 800 images using only two lenses – a Voiglander Nokton 50mm f/1.5 (newest version) and a Leica M 28mm ASPH f/2.0.  The next few articles will be some reflections and experiences on this… 

Fuji X-Pro1 Color Remains Outstanding

Storm clouds are a favorite of mine.  They are always changing, never the same twice and contain bright highlights and dark shadows.  Clouds have character and live and breath in the upper sky.  Clouds have terrific tonal changes and graduations.  Clouds contain sharp edges and almost bokeh-like interiors.  Coulds are… 

Exposures with the Fuji X-Pro1

There are several photography quotes I really like.  First, “the best camera is the one you have with you” and second, “practice, practice, practice.”  There is no doubt in my mind that anyone aspiring to produce great photographs has to practice exposure techniques more than anything else.  Learning the physics… 

The ‘Auto’ Gremlins – Don’t Forget the White Balance (WB)

How often in today’s world do we get lazy and let something else make our decisions for us?  The Auto Gremlin is culprit.  The car will keep the temperature at an automatic level we set.  The RSS feeds keep us from having to visit each web site and look to see… 

Perceptual Color versus Relative Color Settings

We are constantly faced with the choice for printing photographs of using either Perceptual color or Relative color.  If you print mostly black and white, like I do, then you easily forget which setting does what.  Paper, ink and time are too expensive to waste, so I have put some… 

Printing in Lightroom using ICM with an Epson R2400

When you discuss printing in Adobe Lightroom you are liable to be met with a frown and an immediate discussion of how it doesn’t work the way it should. There are many articles on the web and in publications that deal with printing. These articles give you step by step… 

My Use of the Term ‘Middle Gray’

To keep things simple here, I will refer to the term Middle Gray (or Grey) throughout this Blog. When I refer to this term I am not trying to be scientific and represent a certain percentage of reflected light. I am merely referring to than greyscale tone that is exactly… 
