SUSE Linux: Install on Dell GX520 with USB Keyboard

Installing Linux can take longer than windows, no doubt, but once finished, linux provides a very sound platform for web servers. I use linux for some of my work and I also use Dell computers. Recently I was installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 and I ran into a… 

Old Buildings In Fresh Snow

Where we live, getting snow in March that actually causes school to be cancelled is a rare occurrence. More interesting is the high temperature five days later will be 70 degrees farenheit. Weather! Here is an image of a location I have been watching during my daily commute that past… 

Lightroom 2.3 Update

Adobe has released update version 2.3 for Lightroom. You can download the versions using the links on the sidebar. It appears the majority of the fixes for this update are related to memory leaks and other items within Windows. Of real importance is the fix for the artifacts that appeared… 

Poor Economy and Free Time

Ok, so this doesn’t sound like something from a photography blog. I can guarantee that it is relevant, though. The poor economy took my day job in September so I have been working hard to establish a form of income. This means that my free time for photography had to… 

Lightroom 2.2 Released!

Adobe Lightroom 2.2 has been released! You can reach the Download Page Here. The ReadMe File tells us that some fixes have been introduced in the SlideShow module and several bug fixes for the brush and mask development settings. I am downloading the updates and will let you know if… 

Smart Collection Workflow – 2 Edited Lists

This article covers the Edited Lists section of the Smart Collections Workflow and is part of the complete Smart Collection Workflow for Lightroom. Getting interrupted during an Edit session of a group of images is inevitable, especially when you have children! This group of Smart Collections will provide you with… 

Windows Fix for Script Errors in Lightroom

Matt at the Turning Gate found a good fix for windows user’s that run into script errors when using Lightroom. Joe at the Lightroom Gallery posted it for us. See the Fix Article Here. Thanks guys!

Lunar Conjunction with Venus and Jupiter

Last night we had a rare lunar conjunction with both Venus and Jupiter. As astronomy goes, light from the object you are viewing is the most important next to clear skies. Venus happens to be the brightest object in the sky next to the sun and then the moon. Jupiter… 

VMWare: Running in a Window

The advantages of using virtual workstations on a computer outweigh many of the disadvantages. I have been running Lightroom 2.1 now in a virtual machine for over a month with no adverse effect. The virtual machine, however, uses both processors and 2Gb of the 4Gb of machine memory. There is… 
