Leica M 28mm f/2.0 ASPH with the X-Pro1

The gallery below represent images from my Outer Banks, NC trip during August.  These were shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and the  Leica M 28mm f/2.0 ASPH lens.  Click any image to see them full-size. [Show as slideshow]

Voigtlander Nokton 50mm with the X-Pro1

The gallery below represent images from my Outer Banks, NC trip during August.  These were shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and the Voigtlander Nokton 50mm lens in brass (the new version).  Click any image to see them full-size. [Show as slideshow]

Twin Nieces

Vacation with the Fuji X-Pro1 and Voigltander / Leica Lenses

I spent a week at the Outer Banks of North Carolina with extended family. I shot over 800 images using only two lenses – a Voiglander Nokton 50mm f/1.5 (newest version) and a Leica M 28mm ASPH f/2.0.  The next few articles will be some reflections and experiences on this… 

Fuji X-Pro1 Color Remains Outstanding

Storm clouds are a favorite of mine.  They are always changing, never the same twice and contain bright highlights and dark shadows.  Clouds have character and live and breath in the upper sky.  Clouds have terrific tonal changes and graduations.  Clouds contain sharp edges and almost bokeh-like interiors.  Coulds are… 

Fuji X-Pro1 and Iridient Developer – Sharp as a Tack

Coming from someone that absolutely loves Adobe Lightroom, I have to say, the Iridient Developer has a great many positive attributes to processing RAW (RAF) images from the Fuji X-Trans Sensors.  This was a simple macro shot of a Caladium leaf that had rain drops left.  The color was true… 

Fuji X-Pro1Images with New Firmware 3.0

Ok, I know that firmware 3.1 is now out, but I don’t anticipate differences except in the movie module.  So I spent some time this morning shooting the railroad tracks near an old mill.  I used the 60mm lens for all but the last three shots.  What I found was… 

Fuji Pulls Flawed X-Pro1 Firmware 3.0 – Golden Marketing Move

Fuji pulled the X-Pro1 firmware version 3.0 due to a flaw in the movie mode.  Today’s post is not about the photographic quality of the X-Series, but rather the reason that Fuji has made the X-Series the best camera on the market today.  I may be stretching, but I don’t… 

Fuji Scores with the New Firmware 3.0 for the X-Pro1

First, sorry for the lack of posting this month – vacation and boy scout camp put a damper on computer time, but certainly not the photography time.  I’m processing about 1,000 images from a week at camp, solely with the X-Pro1 and X100s.  Some of the images will surprise you… 

Brad Pitt Leica Photos From 2008

My wife recently found an interesting resurface of photographs taken by Brad Pitt of his wife, Angelina Jolie, and their family. The first thing I noticed was the cover shot of Brad holding his Leica. It was in 2008 and the camera looks like a black M-9. The grain, or… 

Heliar 50mm f/3.5 on a Leica M9-P – Great Little Lens!

UPDATED:  I updated some of the links to Camera Quest and changed ‘dealer’ to ‘distributor’ as Stephen so kindly pointed out!  Thanks, Stephen! I received my 10th anniversary, nickel plated, brass housed, Voigtlander 50mm Heliar.  This lens is a screw mount and collapsable, reminiscent of the early film days.  Voigtlander… 
